Rainbow Rabbits Production


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Produce seven different colored rabbits from a hat.

The performer explains that every magician is supposed to produce a Rabbit from his hat but lo and behold you dropped your hat on the way to the show and a truck flattened it. The hat is introduced and shown to be empty. The performer exclaims that he knows that his rabbits are still some where around. He reaches into the hat and produces seven different colored rabbits each time showing the hat empty. This can be done as a “running gag” during the show. Each rabbit fits into the display stand, which folds in half for travel. After producing the seven rabbits the magician says that his rabbits know his name and he turns the rabbits around and his name is spelled on the backs of the rabbits. Use a dry erase marker. You can even write the name of the birthday child. One only, in excellent condition. Complete with instructions. Not $200, take this one for $125.

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